This Is Water Wise
Conserving Water, Conserving the Environment
Conserving Water, Conserving the Environment
Water Wise is Rand Water’s environmental brand and is a campaign aimed at increasing awareness of the need to value water and to use it wisely. South Africa is a water stressed country, and water resources are under tremendous pressure from a growing population, ongoing development, pollution, wetland destruction, alien invasive plants and the effects of global warming and climate change.
Water Wise offer resources, content and materials (digital and hard copy) applicable to learners (school going age) and to adults, so make your selection below and please enjoy using our Water Wise resources.
The World Is Counting On You
The Water Wise Pledge
I will have the utmost RESPECT for water and all life.
I will use water carefully and not WASTE it.
I will also not POLLUTE our rivers with liquid and solid waste.
I will PAY for my water services.
I also promise that if I see water problems I will try to take ACTION towards solving the problem, instead of ignoring it.
By using water wisely I am CONSERVING the natural environment and ensuring the survival of all life on Earth.