News Centre
27.08.18 Arbor Month Posters - September 2018
Tree of the Year 2018: Shepherd’s tree (Boscia albitrunca)
Tree of the Year 2018: Shepherd’s tree (Boscia albitrunca)
Rand Water's Water Wise Education Team (WWET) was awarded 1st Place for Best Exhibition by a Business at the Sasol Techno X 2018 Exhibition.
Rand Water's Water Wise Education Team (WWET) was awarded 1st Place for Best Exhibition by a Business at the Sasol Techno X 2018 Exhibition.
22.08.18 Manzi's News - August 2018
Hope you enjoyed the holidays and the winter chill. I would like to know what do you do when you are hungry? Do you open the fridge and get your favorite treat or yesterday’s leftovers? Do you enjoy a packed lunch?
Hope you enjoyed the holidays and the winter chill. I would like to know what do you do when you are hungry? Do you open the fridge and get your favorite treat or yesterday’s leftovers? Do you enjoy a packed lunch?
03.08.18 Water Wise Watch - August 2018
While the focus of the war against plastic pollution is often on the effects on marine ecosystems, does plastic pollution affects our freshwater ecosystems?
While the focus of the war against plastic pollution is often on the effects on marine ecosystems, does plastic pollution affects our freshwater ecosystems?
10.07.18 Water Wise Watch - July 2018
Growing your own food is not only simple and relatively inexpensive, it is great for your mind and body, and the environment too.
Growing your own food is not only simple and relatively inexpensive, it is great for your mind and body, and the environment too.
26.06.18 Manzi's News - July 2018
Do you know what Sharks are?
Do you know what Sharks are?