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16.05.18 Manzi's News - May 2018
I really hope that after your first term break you are ready to tackle the coming months until the mid year break. To help you guys with some of the things you will be learning about in your school career, I have decided to help you unpack the concept of Energy.
09.04.18 Water Wise Watch - April 2018
This year is absolutely flying by and I can't believe we are already into Autumn and moving quickly towards winter! Be sure to start preparing your garden for the first winter frost now.
05.04.18 Manzi's News - April 2018
Earth Day was started in 1970 and is aimed at addressing global environmental problems.
08.03.18 Manzi's News - March 2018
The year 2018 is only 3 months old. Please can you tell me what do you want to achieve this year? While you are thinking, let me tell you what I want to achieve in 2018.
05.03.18 Water Wise Watch - March 2018
We all know that water plays an important role in our everyday lives, and that we cannot live without this precious resource.
01.02.18 Manzi's News - February 2018
You most probably used water today! You may have taken a bath, brushed your teeth, went to the toilet, washed your clothes or even drank a glass of refreshing cold water. Have you ever wondered how did that water get there? How did the water get to you?