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11.04.19 Celebrate Earth Day with Water Wise and Miss Earth
Earth Day is an international celebration that takes place on 22 April every year to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
04.04.19 Water Wise Watch - April 2019
The Earth is made up of a diverse number of elements that co-exist together to formulate a harmonious environment for all.
02.04.19 Manzi's News - April 2019
In this newsletter, we going to learn more about water as a medium of transport. Because water is the one thing that mankind needs to survive, civilizations have always settled near and around water.
27.03.19 Manzi's News Flash - World Water Day Celebrations
World Water Day celebrations is an annual event that the world at large celebrates to highlight the most precious resource that sustains life, WATER! World Water Day was on 22 March and the United Nations theme for 2019 is “Leaving no one behind”.
18.03.19 Water Week 2019: Leaving no one behind
The theme for World Water Day 2019 is ‘Leaving no one behind’. This is an adaptation of the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: as sustainable development progresses, everyone must benefit.
28.02.19 Water Wise Watch - March 2019
This month we celebrate water, nationally and internationally, with National Water Week from 17-23 March, and World Water Day on 22 March. National Water Week 2019 will be driven by the theme 'Water is Life - 20 Years of Water Delivery for Social and Economic Development".