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News Centre

01.07.20 Water Wise Watch - July 2020
On 31 July, we will be paying tribute to the brave men and women, who as rangers, risk their lives to protect our endangered species from poachers.
18.06.20 Manzi goes on Safari
Father's Day is being celebrated on 21 June 2020. Why don't you go on safari with your Dad and play this fun game with him?
16.06.20 Manzi's News - Personal and Household Hygiene
We live in a world where hygiene can save and protect our lives, and we need to do it in the right manner to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
09.06.20 Manzi's Newsflash - Scientific Services Covid-19 Screening
COVID-19 has been on everyone’s lips throughout the world. The virologists referred to it as a new discovery in the world of viruses and that no measures were put in place for it.
08.06.20 Manzi's News Flash - World Oceans Day - 8 June 2020
Imagine that you are sitting at the sea watching the waves crash over the rocks. The sea spray falls on your face refreshing you.
06.06.20 Manzi's "Time for Nature" Game
The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet livable, all come from nature. To care for ourselves we must care for nature.