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02.10.20 Water Wise Newsflash - Vaal Dam Level Decreasing
We need to double our efforts to use water wisely.
02.10.20 Water Wise Newsflash - World Animal Day - 4 October
4 October is 95 years since Heinrich Zimmermann started World Animal Day celebrations in Germany on 24 March 1925.
01.10.20 Water Wise Watch - October 2020
Level 1 water restrictions for Johannesburg
25.09.20 Water Wise Newsflash - World Environmental Health Day - 25 September 2020
On World Environmental Health Day, all the physical, chemical and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours are addressed.
24.09.20 Water Wise Cares - Heritage Day - 24 September 2020
Think about your actions towards our natural heritage. Let’s leave a sustainable environment for future generations.
22.09.20 Water Wise Newsflash - World Rhino Day - 22 September 2020
World Rhino Day is the day which The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has declared and put aside to celebrate the five species of rhino.