News Centre
12.03.21 Water Wise Newsflash - Tropical Cyclones
Tropical cyclones are intense circular storms that originate over warm tropical oceans. They are characterised by low atmospheric pressure, high winds and heavy rain.
Tropical cyclones are intense circular storms that originate over warm tropical oceans. They are characterised by low atmospheric pressure, high winds and heavy rain.
11.03.21 Water Wise News - March 2021
In this article, we are going to take a lighter look at some of the impacts, and what effects and benefits we may expect from a growing digital world.
In this article, we are going to take a lighter look at some of the impacts, and what effects and benefits we may expect from a growing digital world.
08.03.21 Water Wise Newsflash - World Water Run
International Water Week is celebrated from 16-22 March and this year the world is "VALUING WATER ”.
International Water Week is celebrated from 16-22 March and this year the world is "VALUING WATER ”.
03.03.21 Water Wise Newsflash - World Wildlife Day
Life would be incomplete without wildlife! Wildlife is needed to balance ecosystems and for humans to survive.
Life would be incomplete without wildlife! Wildlife is needed to balance ecosystems and for humans to survive.
01.03.21 Water Wise Watch - March 2021
Water plays an important role in every part of our lives economically, socially and culturally. The theme for the 2021 World Water Day is “Valuing water”.
Water plays an important role in every part of our lives economically, socially and culturally. The theme for the 2021 World Water Day is “Valuing water”.
27.02.21 Water Wise Newsflash - World Polar Bear Day - 27 February 2021
27 February is marked as World Polar Bear Day. Celebrations of Polar Bear Day started in 2011 by Polar Bears International.
27 February is marked as World Polar Bear Day. Celebrations of Polar Bear Day started in 2011 by Polar Bears International.