News Centre
19.07.21 Water Wise News - July 2021 #4
Today we will be talking about bees, I am sure some of you are already thinking about the unpleasant encounters that you had with bees. I hope you don’t only see the bad in the bees but also the good part that they play in nature.
Today we will be talking about bees, I am sure some of you are already thinking about the unpleasant encounters that you had with bees. I hope you don’t only see the bad in the bees but also the good part that they play in nature.
18.07.21 Water Wise Newsflash - Nelson Mandela Day
Mandela Day is celebrated on 18 July every year. It is an opportunity for individuals and organisations to take collective action in a meaningful way – and leave a legacy – in honour of Nelson Mandela.
Mandela Day is celebrated on 18 July every year. It is an opportunity for individuals and organisations to take collective action in a meaningful way – and leave a legacy – in honour of Nelson Mandela.
16.07.21 Water Wise News - July 2021 #3
Today we are going to look at food security and how it affects us. The United Nations definition is that Food Security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Today we are going to look at food security and how it affects us. The United Nations definition is that Food Security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
15.07.21 Water Wise News - July 2021 #2
Every time we meet on this platform it means it is an information sharing session. This time is no different because we will be sharing information on two biological terms called photosynthesis and respiration.
Every time we meet on this platform it means it is an information sharing session. This time is no different because we will be sharing information on two biological terms called photosynthesis and respiration.
07.07.21 Water Wise News - July 2021
We are living in an abnormal environment due to the coronavirus pandemic that has crippled the world’s economies and caused many losses of life. Besides COVID-19 however, we also have to be aware and need to take care with regards to other diseases that can also affect peoples lives and cause serious illness and even lead to death.
We are living in an abnormal environment due to the coronavirus pandemic that has crippled the world’s economies and caused many losses of life. Besides COVID-19 however, we also have to be aware and need to take care with regards to other diseases that can also affect peoples lives and cause serious illness and even lead to death.
01.07.21 Water Wise Watch - July 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused devastating destruction in our lives and it has further exposed the existing issues surrounding social injustice.
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused devastating destruction in our lives and it has further exposed the existing issues surrounding social injustice.