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10.01.22 Water Wise Watch - January 2022
It's a new year, a year teaming with possibilities! January is the perfect time for us to plan the year ahead - be it a resolution, a goal or a hobby you aim to pick up.
07.12.21 Water Wise Newsflash - Lesotho Highlands Water Project
The purpose of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) is to provide Lesotho with a source of revenue in exchange for the provision of water to South Africa, as well as to generate 72 MW capacity of hydroelectricity to Lesotho.
06.12.21 Water Wise Watch - December 2021
Water Wise would like to wish each and everyone of you a great and safe festive season.
08.11.21 Water Wise Watch - November 2021
World Toilet Day is a day to celebrate toilets and raise awareness of the 4.2 billion people living without access to safely managed sanitation.
05.11.21 Water Wise Wisdom - Cost of Electricity
Electricity is one of the basic necessities that we need for our lives to be easier and safer.
24.10.21 Water Wise Newsflash - 24 October 2021
All life on Earth needs healthy air and a healthy planet to survive. Air pollution has been seen as the most serious global crisis of our times.