News Centre
21.03.23 World Water Day Poster - 22 March 2023
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
01.03.23 Water Wise Watch - March 2023
The Department of Water and Sanitation observes "Water Week" by encouraging everyone to use water wisely in order to ensure "Water for All".
The Department of Water and Sanitation observes "Water Week" by encouraging everyone to use water wisely in order to ensure "Water for All".
01.02.23 Water Wise Watch - February 2023
World Wetlands Day is celebrated annually on 02 February. The aim of this day is to increase awareness into these critically important ecosystems as well as their value and benefit. This year we will celebrate World Wetlands Day under the theme: "It's time for wetland restoration".
World Wetlands Day is celebrated annually on 02 February. The aim of this day is to increase awareness into these critically important ecosystems as well as their value and benefit. This year we will celebrate World Wetlands Day under the theme: "It's time for wetland restoration".
01.02.23 World Wetlands Day Poster - 2 February 2023
Be a wetlands 'champion' by talking about how important wetlands are.
Be a wetlands 'champion' by talking about how important wetlands are.
31.01.23 Water Wise Newsflash - 2023 Flufftail Festival
The partners involved in the festival are BirdLife South Africa, Rand Water (Water Wise), Joburg City Parks and Zoo, People n Planet, and Pick n Pay School Club.
The partners involved in the festival are BirdLife South Africa, Rand Water (Water Wise), Joburg City Parks and Zoo, People n Planet, and Pick n Pay School Club.
26.01.23 Water Wise Newsflash - World Environmental Education Day - 26 January
World Environmental Education Day is celebrated on 26 January. Each year schools, parks, environmental education centres, municipalities, museums and other public institutions organise events to highlight the importance of our attitudes and behaviour towards the environment.
World Environmental Education Day is celebrated on 26 January. Each year schools, parks, environmental education centres, municipalities, museums and other public institutions organise events to highlight the importance of our attitudes and behaviour towards the environment.